Thursday, December 9, 2010

About I am going to work in Detroit for two months. I would like some information on the city

I am going to work in Detroit for two months. I would like some information on the city?
hotels, which is the safest, desirable area things to do places to eat how are the people
Detroit - 3 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Hi, I recommend that you do not live/stay downtown, unless its entirely necessary for your commute, there are many friendlier and safe cities that will not be a long drive and hurt your gas prices ...consider staying in Sterling Heights, Ferndale, Royal Oak, Madison Heights, or Troy ( my hometown). Here there are many concerts, if you are a sports fan we have the wings playing now and the Tigers baseball season is still going on. There are great restaurants both downtown and in the suburbs, downtown you can go to Mexican Village and eat at many different restaurants, we also now have a Hard Rock Cafe and Greek Town which is right downtown has many restaurants. Check online for events, there are summer festivals like the Detroit Taste Fest Coming up. and the people, its hit or miss, you may meet some nice people, but out here many people are a bit more close minded to strangers and not as friendly as western cities or down south... I hope I have somewhat helped, email me if you need anything !
Answer 2 :
You will get better answers if you can specify where in the Detroit area you'll be working. Detroit is separated East Side and West Side and it's also separated City vs Suburbs. Many people in the burbs don't care to know anything about Detroit and have written the whole city off as hopeless. Many people in the city think the suburbs are racist. Likewise many people who live West don't have a clue about anything east of Royal Oak and people who live East don't know about much east of I-75. We need some details and we can help you!
Answer 3 :
good luck bro... Be aware that it is in the top 3 list of most violent city in the world for the last 5 years

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

About can i work in detroit mi without a ID michigan state ID

 Can i work in detroit mi without a ID michigan state ID?
Ive been trying to get my ID but the dmv is givin me problem and i need a job
Other - United States - 1 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Good majority of jobs require a state id or state drivers license, this applies to most any city in Michigan.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

About possible to live in Detroit and Work in Windsor

Possible to live in Detroit and Work in Windsor?
Hi there, I am just wondering is it possible to work in Winsor ON with a Working Holiday Program visa and live in Detroit with my husband who will be on an E-3 visa? Are there any implications? What happens getting to work everyday, would there be a hold up at a border crossing? Thanks!
Detroit - 5 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
I don't know the technicalities, but I do know it's possible to live here and work there (and vice versa).
Answer 2 :
Yes, there are many people who do this every day in both directions. In fact there is a Tunnel Bus which provides direct transit service between Downtown Detroit and central Windsor for only $2 each way! Good Luck!
Answer 3 :
if you have a passport to go to windsor than yes
Answer 4 :
Yes, it is possible. My mother did it for 20 years. There isn't any trouble at the border, in fact you depending on how often you go over, you might get to know the customs agents, and they tend to be easier on you. Good luck! :)
Answer 5 :
You don't provide enough information for anyone to answer this question completely. Are you a Canadian citizen? If so, then you can work in Windsor. If you're not a Canadian citizen, then you'll need a work visa to work in Windsor. Visa or no visa, I don't know where you're going to work. Unemployment here is near 10%. Crossing the border from Detroit to Windsor there is seldom a backup. Going the other way is unpredictable and frequently jammed. Suggest that you talk to a Canadian immigration lawyer once you get here. Try these folks. They have an immigration division: I've never used them, but they advertise heavily around town.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

About can someone in Widsor, ON work in detroit, MI

Can someone in Widsor, ON work in detroit, MI?
I meant Windsor
Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
It depends on the employer. Some employers will only allow US citizens to work, others are more lenient

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Monday, August 9, 2010

About why do people who live in Detroit, but work in the surburbs have to pay Detroit

Why do people who live in Detroit, but work in the surburbs have to pay Detroit?
city tax? Also, how come when you file your taxes, you get money back from federal and state, but NEVER from Detroit? It seems as if I end up owing the city every year?! I can't understand how when sometimes the city takes more than the state? And what are they doing with the money? I can't anything positive, but downtown and some areas of Detroit. This city has been on a downward spiral and I don't see them climbing out of this bleak hole. I meant to write, can't see anything positive.
Detroit - 4 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
That's the way that the tax law is written. You could move to the suburbs.
Answer 2 :
Well, we live in the suburbs, my Husband works in Detroit (Detroit Athletic Club), and we have to pay Detroit taxes. We're getting back a whole whopping $15.00 this year. That's just the way things work and you and I are not going to change it, unfortunately.
Answer 3 :
becuase Detroit loans money to all the suburbs that you work in..all the sububurbs and towns surrounding it.. they mooch off detroit.. and then complain about it.. bein so broke down.
Answer 4 :
You live in the D so you want your garbage to be picked up, you want police & fire protection? You want the snow shoveled and the pot holes filled in? So the city needs to tax...

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Friday, July 9, 2010

About i work at detroit metro wayne county airport, can i use my badge to get in free to special events

i work at detroit metro wayne county airport, can i use my badge to get in free to special events?
i was wondering could i use my badge to get in free to special events like air shows and stuff like the or even the redbull show?
Detroit - 3 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
That would be a question for your supervisor or perhaps co-workers. I am sure that someone there could answer the question. ~
Answer 2 :
Answer 3 :
That you would have to ask your supervisor.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

About safe places to live near Detroit, MI (work near Detroit Receiving Hospital)

Safe places to live near Detroit, MI (work near Detroit Receiving Hospital)?
My husband and I are looking to relocate near Detroit Receiving Hospital. What areas are the safest? FYI my husband is a medical student and he unfortunately is an easy target/ stands out in Detroit because he is very white and nerdy. If you have ever heard the song 'White n' Nerdy' that is him in a nutshell. Anyway, where we are living now is just too far to commute but we don't want to risk his or my safety. Any suggestions?
Renting & Real Estate - 2 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Your In Luck ... I Live in Detroit , I Live In The Metro Too ... But There Are Many Good Places , But Not Highland Park.
Answer 2 :
Studio 1 Apts. is right nextdoor to Wayne State University....very, very nice and convenient to everything. Good luck in your search
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Sunday, May 9, 2010

About Ideas on how an engineer can find work in detroit

Ideas on how an engineer can find work in detroit? ?
I've tried all the Internet sites, resume distribution site, etc. and prayer. Does anyone have a unique approach to transition into a different field? I don't want to lose my home I've worked so hard to get.
Detroit - 3 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
have you thought about relocation or starting up your own business
Answer 2 :
I feel for you, and all of us. Try to hang in there, and do what ever it takes to keep your home. I have a good feeling about things turning around if,and only if the big 3 can get there loans. The loans are key right now to tide them over. Once this recession is over and people start needing new cars, the big 3 will be on massive overtime to meet demand. It will happen, It's just going to take a couple of years, so in the meantime, flip burgers, deliver papers, or whatever it takes to hang on. Good luck to you.
Answer 3 :
Get something to tide you over, like iggy pop said, flip burgers if you have to. I hear the Census is hiring soon, and paying well too. When I was looking for a job, if I found anything that i though I was a perfect match for, I put on my suit and drove my resume there. It shows initiative, and makes you memorable. Always ask to talk to someone in HR, even just to personally give them your resume with a handshake and a smile. Never apply to a job without a proper cover letter. Also do your best to make sure the letter dosent sound like a form letter, HR people dont like that
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Friday, April 9, 2010

About Wayne State law school in Detroit; work and study

Wayne State law school in Detroit; work and study?
I'm thinking about going to law school after I graduate from U of M Flint in about a year but I need to keep working full time. I see that Wayne State offers night classes. Is there anyone out there going to Wayne's law school and working full time right now? How is it?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Stay far away. Although I have never been there or stepped foot on their campus, I can tell you that going there would be a mistake. Do to its ranking, I can assure you that your chances of finding any type of decent employment coming from a low-ranked school like this would be slim to none. And do not believe what they may say in their pamphlets and other materials about their job prospects - none of it is true. You will just be in a world of debt with a worthless third-tier-toilet degree. That place is a mill and will say anything to you to rob you of all your money. These places are all the same. Unless you are just going just to go, then you need to stay away from this mill like the plague.
Answer 2 :
You should not consider working and going to Wayne State for the following reasons: (1) Working will hurt your ability to focus on your studies. Schools similar to Wayne State have strict grading curves and bleak job opportunities; (2) Wayne State is ranked fairly low and is hardly recognized outside of Michigan; (3) You need to study for the LSAT and get a high score to get into an elite regional-school or a national school. Working after undergrad and then attending law school is not a bad thing. Many law schools, such as Northwestern, give extra value to applicants with work experience. Further, it will put you into the Non-Traditional Applicant pool, which will make you unique for the law school. If you have a low GPA, taking time off from school and working may be the best option. The farther you are removed from your low GPA, the less it will matter in your admission process. That low GPA from (2 or so years ago) will no longer reflect your true ability to succeed in law school. I hope this helps.
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

About fort Shelby Hotel restoreing work? detroit

Fort Shelby Hotel restoreing work? detroit?
Just wanted to know has work started on restore the old Fort Shelby Hotel in Down Town Detroit yet this year? any info well help thanks
Detroit - 2 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Yes and no...yes they say it has, no you can't ever find anyone on the worksite and there's no sign that anything has been done.
Answer 2 :
Yes, work has started on the Hotel Fort Shelby. By 2009, it will be open for business under th e chain "Double Tree" (a member of the Hilton family). -Preliminary preparation for renovation work began in June of 2006. -Preliminary site work consisted of structural evaluations, asbestos clean-up and environmental tests. -When completed, the hotel will become the DoubleTree Guest Suites - Fort Shelby with 204 suites, an IACC-approved conference center, 66 apartments on the upper half of the building, a full-service restaurant and lounge, fitness center and concierge. -Like the simultaneous Westin Book-Cadillac Hotel renovation three blocks away, the main ballroom will be restored to its original state. -The parapet that surrounds the main roof deck rises 3'-6" above the roof.
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About I have to do wedding pictures in Detroit so ...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

About I have to do wedding pictures in Detroit so is it too dangerous to work in Detroit

I have to do wedding pictures in Detroit so is it too dangerous to work in Detroit?
33% poverty in Detroit. Detroit has lost over 1,500,000 people in 30 years. Car jackings all over the city. People getting shot at like it was Iraq. Will my wife and I be in trouble?
Detroit - 3 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
I don't know Detroit, but probably like any city, it will have it's sections to avoid. I'm sure many areas are really nice too. I'm sure someone from there will eventually answer. Heck, some people think Chicago still has gangsters.... Here's a couple of sites that discuss it:
Answer 2 :
My first reaction was laughing. Mostly media emphasizes the violence in Detroit. The abandonment of it is due to poor public education, lack of jobs, and overall poor government. I have lived in Detroit for fifteenth years. I have never been attacked, carjacked, shot at, or attempted to be robbed. I think you should be fine. I often go out at night and nothing ever happens. But i guessing you are doing this in the daylight. It matters on location. The west side isn't the nicest place but i doubt anyone will attack you at a wedding. if the wedding is Downtown then you should be fine, there is at least two policepersons always in sight. But it all matters on location. But what do i know, I'm only 15.
Answer 3 :
NO it is not bad at all. Ive lived around detroit my whole life, its a nice place

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About best places for an attractive waitress to wo...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

About best places for an attractive waitress to work in Detroit

Best places for an attractive waitress to work in Detroit?
Where are the best places for an attractive girl to wait tables in or around Detroit?
Detroit - 3 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Hooters-If they have one....
Answer 2 :
well this place isnt in detroit its in taylor and its one in westland its called FIRE MOUNTAIN its one of the best places to work i work there and the pay is great if ur a great waitress
Answer 3 :
sweetie its not all about the looks.. it has to do with your personality also.. if you are pretty and suck at serving eventually you won't make any money... but if you are pretty and have a great personality thats a plus!